All That The Xeo Can Do

All That The Xeo Can Do

The Xeo laser device by Cutera is an advanced piece of esthetic equipment with many perks and can treat many client concerns. You may be surprised when you find out what this device can target, as most people assume it can only be used for laser hair removal or laser genesis. So, what exactly can this device do?

Laser hair removal and laser genesis are a given for almost any laser device, but that’s why the Xeo is amazing; it can treat skin tags, veins, acne, scarring, sun damage, cherry angiomas, and rosacea. It also has an IPL piece that connects to the device, for IPL photo facials and hair removal. All of these treatments are offered here at Sacred!

Vein Removal

The laser helps with vein removal by selectively targeting the hemoglobin without causing thermal damage to the surrounding tissue. The hemoglobin then absorbs the laser light in the veins, and the heat produced causes photocoagulation. The heat is transferred to the vessel wall, which affects the collagen and ultimately helps to destroy the vessel and prevent recanalization. Over the course of two to six weeks, the vein will gradually disappear. At Sacred, we specialize in the removal of telangiectasia, also known as spider veins. These types of veins show up on the face and the body, most commonly the legs and around the nostrils, typically from blowing your nose too hard, genetics, rosacea, aging, and certain diseases. This treatment is excellent for boosting confidence since veins tend to appear more so on the lower legs and can be very visible as they are usually a deep purple, red or blue. There is also no downtime with this treatment; each session can run about 15 minutes to an hour, depending on how many veins you wish to target/how big the veins are.


Cherry Angioma

What is it? A cherry angioma is a small red growth made up of blood vessels or lymphatic vessels. These types of growths are usually benign and appear on any individual, even the healthiest. The direct reason for why they occur is unknown, but it is believed that genetics, pregnancy, aging, and exposure to certain chemicals could be a cause for these tiny red dots. Luckily, they are removable with the help of the Xeo! In just a few minutes, the pulses of concentrated laser energy allow the cherry angioma to absorb the wavelengths, generating heat and destroying the blood vessels without damage to the surrounding skin. In just a few weeks, it will start to turn purple and then gradually dissipate over a period of four to six weeks. This treatment also has no downtime and is quick; you’re literally in and out!


Skin Tags

Skin tags are those small, round growths of built-up skin that are hanging on by a “thread” on your underarms, neck, genital area, shoulders, and many other places of the body. They’re usually caused by shaving and the consistent rubbing of your clothes against your skin, but laser treatment can easily remove them. The heat from the laser will create microscopic wounds on the skin tag to trigger the healing process. As the skin heals, the skin tag will fall off. The best results may take a few sessions, depending on the size and number of skin tags. Larger skin tags typically need at least three sessions to remove the growth entirely. Also, no downtime!



With the Xeo, individual pustules and papules can be treated by carefully holding the laser over the acne and surrounding tissue. The laser will then send pulses through the skin to heat up and destroy the bacteria causing the breakouts. This isn’t a full-face treatment, though, and is typically a good add-on to other services if you’re in the middle of having a breakout.


Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is a good option for redness, sun damage, scarring, fine lines, pore size & uneven skin tone. It works by penetrating the top layer of skin and delivering thousands of micro-pulses of light to the dermis. These micro-pulses heat up the dermis, and the warming action shrinks blood vessels, breaks down scar tissue, and stimulates collagen production. Laser Genesis leaves your skin free of scars, broken blood vessels, and redness, with the added benefit of naturally increased collagen production. This treatment is best done in a series of six, so the skin can gradually heal itself over time.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses a process called selective photothermolysis. The heat from the laser destroys cells that have a lot of pigment. Since dark hair has a lot of pigment, it absorbs most heat. Hair transfers heat to the hair follicles and destroys them, so the hair can’t grow. A hair follicle has to be in its anagen stage for the procedure to work. Follicles are in different stages at different times, so most people need multiple laser treatments. This procedure is excellent for people who don’t want to deal with the constant upkeep of waxing and shaving.


IPL Photo Facial

IPL works by using high intensities of pulsated light to target the pigment in the skin. It can be used to improve signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. It can also help reduce redness from rosacea and hyperpigmentation. IPL is an excellent treatment for clients with large sunspots on their face and body.


IPL Hair Removal

IPL hair removal works by passing a device over the skin that delivers a spectrum of light to target the melanin in the hair root; this is where the highest concentration of melanin is located. As the light is absorbed, the bulb and the hair are heated, destroying the papilla which produces the hair. Unlike laser, IPL can treat both dark and light hair.


IPL vs. Laser: Which is Better?

These treatments can both relatively achieve the same results. The main differences between the two are the technology, delivery system, and the type of light the devices use. IPL provides a broad range of wavelengths to create a single flash of light covering a larger area vs. laser, which provides a particular type of light wavelength targeted and concentrated. Although they can target the same concerns, depending on the client, one might be a better option since everyone has a different skin type. IPL will be ideal for targeting sunspots in skin types 1-3. These will be clients with a lighter complexion. Laser will be ideal for somebody with redness and safe to use on all skin types. IPL requires fewer treatments, so results are achieved much faster. It’s recommended that with laser, clients commit to a series of six treatments to receive the maximum benefit. Depending on your concerns, an esthetician at Sacred can decide which of the two will be more effective for you.


Let’s Get You Closer to Amazing Skin

Now that you know all the different methods of hair removal and different concerns, we can improve using the Xeo, you can book a consultation with one of our medspa estheticians at Sacred!



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