Getting Your Tru Body For Summer

Summer is finally around the corner, and sunny days are right at our fingertips! With warmer months ahead, everybody is hitting the gym in preparation for their bikini body, but did you know there’s a way you can achieve fat loss without a stressful diet or tiring gym workout? Everyone’s heard of cool sculpting but what about Trusculpt? Trusculpt is a new innovative fat loss reduction treatment that utilizes heat instead of cold.

This is a non-surgical and non-invasive device that minimizes fat content in the body by using monopolar radio frequency to heat up the fat cells in the subcutaneous layer (the deepest layer of skin in the body). The heat essentially destroys the fat cells, and they are then excreted through the lymphatic system over a 12 week period. Clients can expect to see results at the 6-to-8 week mark. The intention of getting this service is to treat areas with stubborn fat. Stubborn fat is defined as fat that you find almost impossible to lose through diet and exercise, even if you are doing all the right things.

This fat is usually found on the abdomen, thighs, bra line, under the chin, arms, and flanks. Clients can see results after just one treatment, but depending on your goals and lifestyle, we may recommend a series. You can also expect to see other benefits, such as skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Since clients can see results from just one treatment, Trusculpt is going to be a great jump starter towards your spring to summer body.

 Unlike other fat-reducing procedures that may take hours to get through, this is done in just 15 minutes. Who knew fat loss could be so easy? Best of all, there’s no downtime following the treatment, and clients experience minimal discomfort. People have compared it to receiving a hot stone massage. Overall, clients can expect to spend about 30 minutes prior to the service getting prepped and ready. Before pictures of the area will be taken, and a quick weigh-in on a scale will be done so that the client can truly see their results over time. After the actual treatment is completed, you can get right back to your daily routine. Think about that big event you have coming up in the next few months or that vacation you’ve been dying to finally take, but you may feel anxious because you want to look and feel your best. Now that you know the ins and outs of Trusculpt, this is the perfect time to get ready for your upcoming summer plans. Book a consultation to get yourself one step closer to your goals!


Mental Health + Acupuncture


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