Talks with the docs: Summer Self Care Planning

Summer is the season that brings us longer and warmer days. And with that, now is the time to expand and increase activity to rebuild our energy that has been depleted over the cooler spring and winter months. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this is the time of year when our yang or activity is at its greatest. The arrival of warmer weather makes it ideal to be spending time outdoors with family, gardening, exercising or going on nature walks. Even something as simple as eating meals outdoors can connect us to nature and bring us joy. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is ruled by the element of fire. Fire is the force that inspires us, sparks our enthusiasm, our desires and allows creative energy to flow. The body organs associated with fire are the small intestine and the heart. The emotion associated with the fire element is joy. When fire is in balance, we tend to feel joyous with a deep appreciation for life and everything that is so important in our lives.  When out of balance and we are experiencing too much fire, one can be left with feelings of restlessness, agitation and hyperactivity.  If we have too little fire, we can experience lack of joy, boredom or apathy. Symptoms associated with imbalances in the fire element may present as: 

• Excessive sweating or lack of sweating 

• Skin rashes or hives 

• Sleep disturbances, insomnia and restless sleep 

• Palpitations or an irregular heartbeat 

• Inappropriate laughter 

• Anxiousness or restlessness 

If you are experiencing any imbalance, there are some ways to stay in balance with fire element during the summer. 

• Now is the time to rebuild your energy! Exercise is key to strengthen the fire element and keeps the heart and circulatory system healthy. Getting in a good cardiovascular workout will produce sweat, which helps to cleanse toxins from the blood through the skin. If you are not exercising already, always begin slowly with something simple such as taking a walk. Try to walk briskly enough to just break a sweat. The heart tends to be more vulnerable in the summer, so it is important to build up your exercise routine carefully and gradually. 

• According to the US government, up to 60% of the adult human body weight is water and in children, it up to 80%. Therefore, it is especially important to stay hydrated throughout the summer months since the sun can pull moisture out from the pores. It is ideal to drink water equivalent to half your body weight in fluid ounces per day. Keep in mind that it is possible to drink too much water and if this happens, electrolytes can become unbalanced as sodium levels in your body will become diluted.  Watermelon is very helpful in preventing dehydration. This fruit will stop thirst while cooling and moistening the body by generating fluids. 

• The flavor or taste associated with the fire element is bitter.  Bitter foods drain, astringe and stimulate digestion. Some examples of bitter foods include leafy greens such as escarole, watercress, endive, kale and swiss chard. Coffee, tea, cocoa, rhubarb and cruciferous vegetables are also considered bitter.  If one has an imbalance of the fire element, they may have an attraction or repulsion towards bitter foods. Individuals that have excess fire may also need to add more cooling foods into their diet, such as cucumbers, watermelon and citrus fruit. Others with weak fire element may need to add more warming foods such as cooked grains, ginger and hot peppers.   

• Focus on a diet that is cool and light, incorporating plenty of fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits. We do not need to consume the same quantity of food as we did in the winter months.  Additionally, limit the intake of rich or heavy foods. Go light on meat products, fried foods and alcohol as these foods are warming in nature and can easily weigh you down and make you feel lethargic.  

• The use of herbal teas is also an important part of the summertime diet. Hibiscus, chamomile, mint and green teas all have a cooling effect on the body. Hawthorn berry tea serves as a general tonic for the heart and blood. Chrysanthemum, honeysuckle and stinging nettles can be made into a delicious tea to alleviate summertime colds or allergies.  

• Now is the time to engage your senses. Summer brings a variety of intense sounds, colors and fragrances, so enjoy the abundance all around you. Walk barefooted in the grass or sit outside and enjoy the sounds of the birds and crickets. Smell the aromas in the air whether its flowers from the garden or something delicious cooking on the grill. 

Now is the time to recharge energetically and make the most out of the season. With each day, do whatever brings you joy whether it be meeting up with friends for ice cream, reading a book under the sunshine, enjoying a campfire or simply just being present in the moment. Stay in balance with the fire element and watch that spark which inspires you to be your greatest flourish and grow. 


How to Design a Summer Self Care Plan 

  • This is the season of yang, as humans we are more social during the summer. So, make sure you prioritize self-care this season and don’t burn out.  

  • Develop a morning ritual: 

  • Set up a sacred space outside: Working out, sitting outside with coffee, reading a book,  

  • Circadian rhythm to help with sleep patterns but to also balance hormonal cycles. We are made to be outside looking at the sun set and sun rise. The moon is supposed to bathe us when we sleep.  

  • Red moon vs white moon women 

  • White moon menstruate during the new moon- focused more on self-care and the family, time for motherhood and fertility. Yin in nature  

  • Red moon menstruate during full moon- more focused on activity and adventure in daily life, mentors, self-growth and creativity. Yang in nature 

  • Bring in fresh flowers to bring in the nature element into your home 

  • The place you see every time you enter and exit your house... the garage can be used to really promote inspiration. Put artwork/posterboard/vision board of where you want to be in a year.  

  • What is my big Why? 

Healthy take home tips for the summer: 

  • For slow beauty-SPF: Super Goop, primer sunscreen that really helps bring out your natural inner glow  

  • Play sport for more active days/ body spf  

  • Fire element stretches: 

  • Butterfly pose, side to side teeter toter pose  

  • HT 3 as a take home. Used to help calm the mind/spirit.  

Watch the Full Episode Here: Summer Self Care Planning




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