New Year, New Skincare

Ringing in the 2023 new year, we said goodbye to the holiday season, we have our goals set, our eyes fixed on our new year resolutions, and we probably made a commitment to eat better and start a new gym routine. But have you thought about your skin care resolutions? 

Did you know that you should change your skincare products/routine during the wintertime and then again in the summer? What might have worked well for your skin during the warmer months will mostly not work for you during the winter months as the skin can change, and your products need to adapt to the drier, colder conditions. We will share some tips for what you can do at home to change your skincare and keep it glowing all winter! 


Switching to a creamy milk cleanser versus a gel-based is just one of the many ways to change to a winterized skincare routine. Hydration is critical, so follow your cleanser with a toner to rebalance your PH levels. Next, you should treat your skin with a serum based on your needs. Is your skin less vibrant than usual? Try Laurel’s Antioxidant Serum (great for restoring vitality and antiaging.) Is your skin breaking out from too many holiday cookies? Try Laurel Balancing Serum (calms irritation and active breakouts.) The next step will be to apply eye cream and follow it up with a nourishing moisturizer.   


These are just some of the ways you can take care of your skin daily, but weekly it is best to exfoliate once to twice a week to help keep away dead skin and keep your skin fresh all winter long! 


Other ways you can help keep your skin in tip-top shape over the winter months are: 

-       Adding a dehumidifier in your bedroom 

-       Avoid taking Hot showers, as this will dry out your skin 

-       Wear SPF 

-       Book a professional treatment like a Hydrafacial 

-       Drink plenty of water 


If you need assistance with skin care recommendations and/or need to book a pick-me-up facial service, you can always book online at 




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